Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fabulous Family

What an awesome time we had shooting these photos. And what a relief to get some many great smiles (most of the time). NOW is the time to book your family shoot in order to get pictures out by Christmas!

Is this a sign of things to come? You want to keep a girl happy? Give her daddy's wallet. I love how she just waltzes away once she has her hands on the goods.

Sometimes the best picture is the real pictures. At least J was nice enough to let us know she was finished. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kicking it with the Grandparents

Had a great shoot with the grandparents. These are just a couple of the fun shots we got. What a great treasure for a kid to have some fantastic photos with his grandparents. That's what this business is all about. You have to capture these moments, because if you don't, they will be gone forever.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cute as a Button

I had the privledge of shooting Baby D. last week. He did a great job. It is so fun to hear the cry of a newborn baby. It is amazing how fast you forget that sound. Congratulations to Paul and Toni!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The New Studio!

Remodeling the studio was a lot more work than I had anticipated. (Isn't that always the case?) But it's 90% done and back in operation. It didn't take long to get back to work. These kids were nice enough to be my test subjects. They did an awesome job and the studio was everything I hoped for and more. How about that green wall? Seriously bold. I love it!

I love the floor. So many options!